Formazione Professionale | Progetti Europei | Scuola di Lingue
KA2 Erasmus+ Projects
Strategic Partnerships in VET, Adult Education and School Education
As Vocational Training Centre and Adult Education Centre Polaris is available partner in strategic partnerships projects on
vocational and educational training
new educational tools
teaching foreign languages
adult education
Furthermore Polaris deals with the whole project cycle management and in particular
analysis of the socio-economic-cultural context and training needs
analysis of stakeholders: target groups, beneficiaries, engagement strategies
identification of the general and specific project aims
creation of local partnership and European Partnership
work-plan of activities and project budget
implementation of the project: participants selection, mobility organization, partnership management and relations with the Commission and the National Agencies
project results dissemination and strategies for sustainability of the project
financial reporting and preparation of reports to be submitted to the European Commission and National Agency
Vasto town, our strenght
Polaris is located in Abruzzo, more precisely in Vasto, a tourist resort in the center of Italy, famous for its sea, its characteristic historic center, and its cuisine.
Abruzzo is also famous for being the “Green Region of Italy,” with the highest percentage of its territory reserved for natural parks and protected natural areas, located near Vasto.
The city of Vasto is well connected with major airports in the area: Pescara 70 km, Rome 300 km, Naples 200 km, Ancona 200 km, Bari 250 km.